Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day Nine

The girls have spring break this week.  Today I went to the zoo with them and my mom.  It was another beautiful day despite a sore/swollen throat.   Since I was there all day I had to use a shot from there for today.  So here's a croc (or was it the gator, oh I don't remember which one this was from, and I can usually tell from the head, but since this is close I'm not sure. I think from the teeth that it's crocodile, but I only remember little crocs and this was a big one, so then I think it was the gator).  Anyway, the jaws of a creature that is very powerful.  Plenty of lines all around.


  1. Another great macro with different-shaped lines. Really interesting theme well produced.

  2. BITCHIN! This photo rocks!!! Can I print it out & put it on the wall??? Seriously. Pretty jelly... :D

  3. Super cool! Very nice textures in that skin and those teeth! My what a brilliant photo! Well done!

  4. Awesome interlocking lines in today's shot, plus a nice grin for the camera.

  5. Lovely lines and a great impactful close up. I wish those sharp focused teeth were further to the right, and that the large blurry area was heading out of frame. But the whole thing works very well anyway and it's a super shot. Well done.
    (And feel better soon!)

  6. Okay, now you call this part of nature, are you telling me that you actually have a prehistoric lizard living near by?

  7. okay, this one gives me the eebie jeebies a bit, so I guess you could say, you took a great shot. :-D Maggie
