Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day Twenty-Four

Coffee Filters.  No coffee is gets drank in this house, but I still have filters for some reason.


  1. Gorgeous crispness and clarity. I do find myself wishing there was a bit more green at bottom right to balance the strong green at the top, but I love those ripply waves and the way they cut diagonally across the frame, with the other diagonal lines coming the other way too! Very effective. Reminds me of a stack of beach shells!

  2. Oh, how you can live without coffee is beyond me! :-D Although I have exchanged the filters for a Tassimo. As for those filters, I believe you do a lot of crafting with your kids and you can make some gorgeous flowers with these!

    As for the image, I like that lime green against the off-white of the filters and the stacks look really good.

  3. Great photo, first I though of muffin molds. Very nicely composed and the exposure is tops. Well done

  4. A beautifully sharp photo with a great composition. The wavy lines are very appealing especially against the lime green.

  5. Mmmmmm coffee! :D I am quite partial to this one... I wonder why... LMAO
