Monday, April 28, 2014

Day Twenty-Eight

Old, damp, wooden steps, with rusty nails. 

I must say, I really need to find something with color, I'm craving COLOR on these drabby cloudy rainy days!


  1. Great diagonals, although I find the overall skinniness of the frame a little unusual for the subject that runs the other way, but I do like those rusty nail marks. They make for interesting colour in the otherwise drab scene. Cool textures too.

  2. Very nice light in this. It enhances the wood and makes the shot interesting. I love the rusty nail diagonal. Well done

  3. Really good diagonals and the one with the nails has wonderful texture with cracks, rust and marks to bring it alive..

  4. Sounds like our weather. But I'm happy because by the time the week is over, so will all the snow! Best part of your photo is the rust color.
